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How-To_Guide to access international tourism markets

How To Keep Up With AI On A Daily Basis (And 10 Use Cases For Tourism)

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) makes it difficult to use it in a practical way.

And It is true that you do not need to be a specialist anymore to use AI.

But new AI tools are emerging so fast that it is hard to keep up.

However, AI is here to stay, and you must make sure not to miss the train.

AI will not replace humans but... humans who know how to use AI will replace humans who don’t.

And AI is impacting organizations at all levels.

From leadership (lower impact) to operational positions (highest impact).

Leadership will gain from having repetitive tasks performed at the speed of light by AI.

For example, extracting insights from data, capturing new data, writing emails and summaries, or organizing files.

But other leadership skills, such as emotional intelligence, inspiring others, or multi-stakeholder facilitation, will hardly be replaced by AI.

While operational roles, doing the repetitive tasks mentioned before, are the ones facing the greatest risks of being replaced.

Most people have heard about the AI revolution but, in practice, totally ignore it.

Others have enthusiastically engaged in trying to use different AI tools.

But after the hype and novelty, people are starting to ask themselves:

How can I keep up with AI evolution and use it in practical ways?


So, here is the way I keep artificial intelligence practical for me:

(NOTE I am not an affiliate to any of the resources I will mention here, I just use them!)

1. Keep in mind the role of AI.

First, have a clear vision of what AI can and cannot do.

In this way, you will better contextualize the real possibilities.

And you will also avoid too much “science fiction” around the subject.

What AI IS for:

  1. Reduces human error.

  2. Automate repetitive tasks.

  3. Analyze data for decisions.

  4. Boost productivity with tools.

  5. Get personalized recommendations.

What AI Is NOT For:

  1. Make ethical decisions.

  2. Replace human creativity.

  3. Operate without supervision.

  4. Build relationships on its own.

  5. Deeper contextual understanding.

In summary: AI is a tool for you to use to amplify your skills.

2. Understand the 3 levels of complexity of AI.

Level 1. Chat-based AIs for everyday use.

  • These are the ones that most people deal with.

  • These chat-like AIs are really easy to use.

  • Just use natural language to ask for things.

  • Chat AIs can be generic and help with all sorts of tasks.

  • Or specialized chats to help with specific tasks.

  • The most popular generic chat bots out there are:

    • ChatGPT by OpenAI.

    • Gemini by Google.

    • Claude by Antropic.

    • Meta AI by Meta (formerly Facebook, available in the USA).

  • All of them have a free version available online.

  • And all of them are really powerful for all sorts of tasks.

Level 2. No-code platforms to build AI applications.

  • These are paid or partially paid AI platforms.

  • They allow you to build your own applications.

  • But without the need for any code.

  • Just by using human language instructions.

  • For example a customer service chat, itinerary builder, or an AI trainer.

  • A couple of examples of these no-code platforms are:

    • MindStudio.

    • OpenAI (look for “creating GPTs”).

  • This option is less frequently used.

  • But it is still useful for anyone with no coding skills.

Level 3. Deeply customizable AI models.

  • This is the level that very few people use.

  • It requires extensive technical knowledge.

  • Used by larger organizations for complex applications.

  • These AIs are usually deployed in advanced cloud services like:

    • Amazon Web Services,

    • Google Cloud, or

    • Microsoft Azure.

  • You won’t be dealing with this, but it is good to know.

In summary: focus on Level 1. Chat-based AIs for everyday use.

3. Three free, quick ways to keep up with AI.

The world of AI is generating new tools everyday. So, there is a lot to cover.

And the only way to cope with a big task is to break it down in small steps.

First of all, you do not need to know everything that is happening with AI.

You only need to learn about things useful to you and stay updated.

And there are already people doing the AI scouting work for you.

So, follow sources that share FREE summarized information.

Here are 3 types of sources and my recommendations:

Subscribe to Newsletters.

They will provide updated bits of what is new out there:

Take free short Courses.

They will prepare you to dominate most AI tools you need:

(Note: don’t get intimidated by terms like “prompting” or “engineering”, they are just fancy terms to say how to give orders to AI just by using your own words.)

Visit AI aggregator Websites.

They will allow you to find the tools for your needs:

In summary: follow sources that share FREE summarized information.

4. My suite of daily AI tools.

On a daily basis, these are the AI-powered tools that I use to increase my productivity.

I stay with the free versions on all of them, and they work really well:

  • Chat-GPT or Claude Chat: general consultation purposes and brainstorming.

  • DeepL: pro-level translator with super powerful contextual understanding.

  • Canva: super-easy-to-use graphic design platform with tons of AI tools.

  • QuillBot: for spelling and grammar corrections everywhere on the go.

  • Fathom: multilingual meeting note-taker & summarizer. Like magic!

And not so often used, but really powerful AI tool as well:

  • MindStudio: no-code platform to develop AI applications.

In summary: use the resources mentioned in this article to configure your own combination of AI tools for daily use.

5. Ten practical ways to use AI in tourism.

These ideas were in fact brainstormed with the help of an AI chat service.

They are presented from simpler to more complex implementation.

And please keep in mind that AI is just a tool to support you.

But you need to steer the tool and approve its results:

1.Content Creation: generate engaging content for social media, blogs, and newsletters, ensuring consistent and high-quality communication with clients.

2. Language Translation: for seamless communication with international clients, enhancing customer experience, and broadening market reach.

3. Document Automation: generate and process documents, such as invoices, contracts, and travel itineraries, reducing administrative workload and errors.

4. Automated Customer Support: with chatbots to handle common inquiries 24/7, such as itineraries or FAQs, freeing up human staff for more complex issues.

5. Virtual Assistants: to schedule meetings, set reminders, and manage calendars, helping to keep track of important tasks and deadlines.

6. Sustainable Travel Recommendations: personalize recommendations based on customers’ preferences and suggest eco-friendly options

7. Data-Driven Marketing: analyze customer data and segment audiences, enabling personalized marketing campaigns that target specific customers.

8. Performance Analytics: analyze company performance and productivity metrics, identify areas for improvement and optimize workflow processes.

9. Revenue Management: optimize pricing strategies in real-time, adjusting rates based on demand fluctuations, competitor pricing, and other market conditions.

10. Predictive Analytics: predict travel trends and customer demands based on historical data, allowing for better planning and inventory management.

In summary: using the help of and AI Chat, brainstorm on practical ways to use AI in your field.

Want to improve your capacity to attract tourism?

At the end of the day, AI or any other types of tools have to support one purpose: helping us succeed in our tourism initiatives.

And for that, being able to attract the right type of visitors is essential.

So, if you want to learn more about how to access tourism markets, consider checking out the course Attract the Tourism You Want.

This 60-minute course teaches hands-on how to understand tourism from a refreshed perspective. It equips you with the tools to plan and act in a practical way to reach your goals. And empowers you to develop the most beneficial type of tourism for you and your destination in a sustainable and profitable way.

Join and learn how to Attract the Tourism You Want.

In summary.

These are the 5 keys to effectively dealing with AI on a daily basis

  1. Keep in mind the role of AI.

  2. Understand the 3 levels of AI.

  3. Find free sources to keep up with AI.

  4. Configure your own suite of daily AI tools.

  5. Brainstorm on practical ways to use AI in your field.

And remember, AI will not replace humans. Humans who know how to handle AI -hopefully thanks to this newsletter ;) - will replace those who don’t.

I hope this guide helps you navigate your way to success with AI.


Whenever you're ready, here are more ways I can help you.

Overcome the key challenges of Tourism CEOs, Leaders & Entrepreneurs: get the tools, systems & support for your personal success and that of your organization.

Self-paced, hands-on online course teaching you the process of attracting the tourism you want, providing you the tools to take and track action.


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