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7 Skills Artificial Intelligence Won’t Replace (And Increase Your Professional Value).

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has advanced so fast that many jobs see their very existence threatened.

Some dream of replacing costly and problematic humans with AI bots that never complain and work 24/7.

Others dream of using AI to take care of tedious tasks and become more productive with less effort.

In reality, AI is an amazing tool, but only a tool after all.

But this tool is so disruptive to the way we do things now that if we do not "update” we will be left behind in professional terms.

Technology disruptive changes have happened over and over again in history.

Steam locomotives replaced horses for transportation, and the internet replaced landlines for communication, to mention a couple of examples.

Those who didn’t update were left behind or directly lost their jobs / businesses.

Those who embraced change thrived.


In previous technological shifts, those who specialized ripped most of the benefits.

However, with the latest developments in AI, such as AI chats (eg. Chat GPT, Gemini, or Claude) and natural-language based applications, people do not need to become coding experts or get an engineering degree to achieve great results.

The barrier to harnessing incredibly powerful technologies to enhance daily practices has never been so low.

So, yes, on the one hand, AI will replace some workers to perform repetitive tasks.

For example: initial customer support, basic graphic design, code writing, data entry, data clean up, data analysis, among many, many other tedious tasks.

But on the other hand, this also frees up time for professionals to strengthen skills that AI will hardly replace.

And those are the types of skills that catalyze outcomes, from a personal level all the way up to corporate levels.


Usually, with the hype of new technologies, people start taking courses focused on the so-called “hard skills”.

Hard skills are specific, teachable abilities or knowledge sets that are often job-specific and can be measured and tested.

For example: coding, engineering, new tools proficiency, data analysis, management methods, and so on.

And while that is ok (especially learning how to correctly prompt AI tools), hard skills-related tasks are precisely the ones that AI is making easier for all of us.

So, while having a fundamental knowledge of how AI works is necessary, you should mostly focus on strengthening your so-called “soft skills”.

Soft skills are interpersonal and broadly applicable traits that enable people to interact more effectively with others.

For example:

  • Problem solving.

  • Inspire a vision in others.

  • Creativity and adaptability.

  • Establish and nurture relationships.

  • Trust generation based on experience.

  • Persuasion based on common interests.

  • Understand people's interests and needs.

  • Adapt behavior in changing environments.

  • Facilitate networking towards common goals.

Theses are precisely the more nuanced, subtle, and subjective areas of real life that allow for any initiative to succeed or not.

So, hard skills are typically gained through education and training, while soft skills also need personal experiences and human interactions to be developed.


You need to become very “soft skilled” in areas where:

  1. AI will serve as a tool.

  2. AI will hardly replace you.

  3. Soft skills are the “make or break” factor.

Of course, also staying aware of the basic traits of hard-skills related to AI is necessary. Just in case, here is a newsletter I wrote about how to keep up with AI in our daily lives.

This combination of soft skills with a good general understading of the current state of hard skills, will make you more valuable and difficult to replace on any industry.

So, here are 7 skills that AI will hardly replace and 3 ways to strengthen them.


1.Critical Thinking:

  • While AI can analyze data and identify patterns, true critical thinking involves subjective judgment, intuition, and understanding complex human contexts.

2. Leadership - Vision:

  • This involves inspiring and motivating people, understanding human needs and aspirations, and adapting to unpredictable changes.

3. Emotional Intelligence - Empathy:

  • Here, you require genuine human connection and the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which AI cannot authentically replicate.

4. Strategic Decision Making:

  • This requires long-term vision, creativity, and nuanced judgment under uncertainty. It involves understanding complex human and organizational dynamics and considering multiple unpredictable variables.

5. Networking:

  • Effective networking involves building personal relationships, understanding social cues, and engaging in meaningful human interactions.

6. Creativity - Adaptability:

  • These skills involve spontaneous, intuitive thinking and the ability to create something new and original.

7. Resilience:

  • Being resilient involves emotional strength, the ability to recover from setbacks, and personal growth through experiences—qualities that are inherently tied to human psychology and life experiences.

With these examples, you can try to identify other skills that AI will hardly replace and where you can shine as a professional.


1. Take Courses & Coaching.

  • Critical Thinking Courses: Enroll in courses that emphasize analytical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making skills.

  • Leadership Workshops: Join leadership development programs that focus on strategic thinking, vision creation, and emotional intelligence.

  • Executive Coaching: Work with a professional coach to develop personalized strategies for improving leadership, decision-making, and resilience.

  • Creative Arts and Improvisation Classes: Participate in workshops on creative writing, visual arts, or improvisational theater to enhance creativity and flexibility.

  • Networking and Communication Seminars: Attend seminars that teach effective communication, networking strategies, and emotional intelligence.

2. Join Communities.

  • Professional Associations: Join industry-specific associations that provide networking opportunities, professional development, and strategic insights.

  • Mentorship Networks: Connect with mentors who can offer guidance, share experiences, and provide feedback on personal and professional growth.

  • Creative Communities: Engage with groups focused on the arts, innovation, and creative problem-solving to stimulate new ideas and approaches.

  • Support Groups: Participate in communities that offer emotional support and resilience-building activities, such as peer support groups or online forums.

  • Entrepreneurial Networks: Involve yourself in communities of entrepreneurs and business leaders who value strategic thinking and vision.

3. Put It Into Practice.

  • Take on Leadership Roles: Volunteer for leadership positions in community organizations, clubs, or work projects to practice strategic decision-making and vision implementation.

  • Engage in Active Listening: Practice empathy and emotional intelligence by actively listening in personal and professional interactions.

  • Solve Real-World Problems: Apply critical thinking to tackle real-life challenges, such as community issues or business problems.

  • Expand Your Network: Attend industry events, conferences, and meetups to build and strengthen professional connections.

  • Participate in Creative Projects: Join collaborative creative endeavors, such as writing groups or innovation labs, to exercise creativity and improvisation.

  • Resilience Training: Engage in activities that build resilience, like mindfulness practices, physical exercise, and challenging outdoor adventures.

Want to improve your capacity to attract tourism using soft skills?

So, if you want to start by improving your knowledge on how to attract visitors to your destination or business, or if you want to access tools that will allow you to put in praactice your soft skills, consider checking out the course Attract the Tourism You Want.

This 60-minute course teaches hands-on how to understand tourism from a refreshed perspective. It equips you with the tools to plan and act in a practical way to reach your goals. And empowers you to develop the most beneficial type of tourism for you and your destination in a sustainable and profitable way.

Join and learn how to Attract the Tourism You Want.

So, in summary.

  • Keep in mind there areas where AI will easily replace human labour.

  • Mostly where outcomes are predictable and tasks are repetitive.

  • And areas where AI will not be able to take over so easily.

  • Mostly where context and nuances are important.

  • Learn some new AI related hard skills.

  • But focus on improving soft skills.

I hope this gives you an idea on how to navigate the current and future times of technological advancements.


Whenever you're ready, here are more ways I can help you.

Overcome the key challenges of Tourism CEOs, Leaders & Entrepreneurs: get the tools, systems & support for your personal success and that of your organization.

Self-paced, hands-on online course teaching you the process of attracting the tourism you want, providing you the tools to take and track action.


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